Truman Talks: Pure Love
learn how dog’s unconditional love for their owners can change the way you love your family, friends and the world.
Hi everyone!
Truman here.
In today's post, I would like to share with all of you how love can change your life. Our owners love each other and love others, but unfortunately not exactly the way we dogs do. Let me explain to you the reason why.
We dogs don't have a concept of time, so future and past don't exist. We don't understand what those are. We love you in the present time, because there is no other option for us. I challenge you to think about it. What if your love wouldn't be shaped by what happened in the past, and/or the fear of what could happen in the future? Yeah, you would just love, with no limits or regrets, because it is what you feel in the moment. There is no other reality.
When you are hurt by someone that you love, you usually need to go through a process of healing because of how much it hurts, and it sometimes takes you years to forget. Why? It is called abstract thought, the human capacity of thinking about the future, and reliving moments from their past.
It has to be difficult, I understand. What if you thought about it in our way though, the dog way?
Imagine that someone is mad at you and you don't know what the future is. You wouldn't know that situations end up solving with time and patience. Your only tool is the present, and what you feel is love: an unlimited source of love that cannot be shaped by past or future. What would you do? You would do what we do. We just love and go back to our owner's arms as soon as we see a sign of forgiveness coming from them. Our love doesn't have expectations, nor is it shaped by our past, because we don't know what the past is.
My last thought for you is a bit challenging:
Did you know that dogs don't know what forgiveness is? We never need to forgive, because we love you all the time. There is nothing that you can do to us that would change the way we love you. See? No need for forgiveness, love. Just love.
What if you were to love others the way we love you?
Woof, Woof!